On Fire!

Written by Callas on 16:09


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 18:31

Soccer is gay

Written by Callas on 11:11


Written by Rafa Gil on 18:10


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 22:03


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 19:16



Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 18:18

Entre esto:

Y esto:

En serio, NO ES TAN FÁCIL.

Mis compañeros de piso

Written by Mireia Pérez on 0:14


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 12:21


Written by Mireia Pérez on 20:28

Esta noche es La Gran Noche...

Después de muuucho tiempo vuelve a celebrarse una fiesta en el Álamo. Esperemos que esto sea el previo de un gran fiestón de reencuentro... Some day... mmmh!

First Aid

Written by Callas on 12:45

Super Sexy CPR from Super Sexy CPR on Vimeo.

Last Lost

Written by Callas on 0:46

Sarita says goodbye!

Written by Mireia Pérez on 14:11

Especial Sin Maquillaje...

Written by Mireia Pérez on 14:15

Este resumen no está disponible. Haz clic en este enlace para ver la entrada.

Os echo de menos!

Written by Javier Alvariño & The Real Fake Makers on 23:57


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 2:58


Fulfilling our darkest dreams...


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 16:21

They won. That's obvious.

Los abdominales de cristo

Written by Callas on 11:41

Teologos norteamericanos han encontrado el que parece que es el enésimo secreto mejor guardado de jesucristo...

estaba bastante bien dotado.

el álamo, segunda parte

Written by Mireia Pérez on 10:21

Yo aparezco en el minuto 4:18. Soy la de las pastillas.

the visit

Written by Mireia Pérez on 20:48

mi ex ha estado de visita en el álamo. como este video demuestra, hemos estado pasando el rato leyendo y trabajando. es que es una persona muy tranquila.
dedicado a eugenio.

Dummies for forwardeo

Written by Callas on 1:16

Forwardeo for dummies

Written by Rafa Gil on 1:11

la dura realidad

Written by Mireia Pérez on 14:07

Acabo de descubrir que todo el episodio del plato de ducha siniestrado tiene una explicación mucho más lógica y menos escatológica de lo que parece.

No hubo ningún vómito olvidado. Lo que sucede es que las cañerias de esta casa están PETADAS y toda esa comida proviene del fregadero. Lo se porque está sucediendo ahora mismo...

Os invito a quedaros con la primera teoría. Es mucho más interesante imaginar a alguien potando ahí...

Bochorno eterno of the spotless mind

Written by Rafa Gil on 4:11

Rafael Gil se declara inocente.

Con razón olía tan mal... BASTARDOS

Written by Mireia Pérez on 19:01

Desde luego no se si es este el canal apropiado para dar a conocer lo que ha sucedido en el Álamo esta tarde. Pero tengo que contarlo y, aunque dudo mucho que queraís tener conocimiento de este tipo de cosas, vais a tener que verlo.

Hace tiempo llegó el momento de deshacerse de los colchones que habia en el plato de ducha (¿¿??) del salón porque llevaban emanando un olor avinagrado que achacabamos a que estuvieran en un plato de ducha y por lo tanto cerca de un grifo y por lo tanto: Húmedos y putrefactos.

Bien, pues hoy, día 7 de abril, primer miércoles de mes, es la recogida de muebles viejos en el barrio. Así que esta mañana me he dispuesto a "preparar" la zona para tal objetivo, con intención de que fuera mucho más rápido bajar los colchones a la noche con todo ya desalojado y tambien para facilitar su limpieza y acondicionamiento posterior...

Mi sorpresa ha sido mayúscula cuando, después de retirar el primer colchón arrástrandolo por el suelo, he descubierto que habia dejado a su paso una mancha negruzca y pastosa acompañada de un olor demencial. Achacándolo todavía al tema de la putrefacción, he fregado ese rastro y me he dispuesto a retirar el siguiente colchón...

Ha sido mucho peor, porque al hacerlo he descubierto, definitivamente, esto:

Subo las imágenes en alta calidad para que podaís apreciar bien y con todo lujo de detalles la mezcla negruzca que habia debajo de los colchones y os podaís deleitar con el aspecto que ofrecía.

Pero todavía hay más. Yo no se vosotros, pero no podia permitir que mañana llegase la chica de la limpieza y tuviera que enfrentarse ella sola a semejante berenjenal. Así que me he decidido: Tenía que retirar toda esa mierda, aún sin saber muy bien de que se trataba...

Esto lo he descubierto cuando he cogido valor y me he acercado para ir apartando los objetos que habian alrededor para facilitar mi entrada en el infierno. ¿Lo veís? ¿Adivinaís de qué se puede tratar? Seguro que alguien ya lo sabe...

Vamos, yo por el aspecto de esas cosas largas y blanquecinas, y al fijarme en que POR SUERTE no se movian ya me he ido dando cuenta... Eran pedazos de espaguetti.

Ese guisante que aparece en la imagen ha terminado definitivamente de convencerme: Se trataba de un VÓMITO y por lo NEGRO de su alrededor (materia en putefracción pura y dura y concienzudamente adherida al plato de ducha) debía llevar ahí desde hace por lo menos DOS años (tampoco es que sea yo una experta en estados de putrefacción, pero vamos, de ayer tampoco era...).

Desde luego lo mejor ha venido cuando he tenido que apartar los cristales que estaban encima(¿¿??) (y que van a ir directamente a la basura sin contemplaciones) y he podido admirar (y tambien OLER) la obra de arte en todo su esplendor.

A partir la este punto la cosa me ha parecido demasiado degenerada para continuar. Le he enviado un sms a Sara diciéndole que no me sentía capaz de continuar y que me estaba mareando... Pero estaba claro que si dejaba eso al aire, cada vez iba a oler peor, infestaría toda la casa y no nos dejaría dormir. Así que he abierto todas las ventanas, me he armado de valor, me he cubierto la cara con un paño, y he empezado la fiesta.

Lo deducireís. Ha sido fascinante...

Bien, ahora aprovecharé el privilegio de haber empezado a formar parte de este blog y de la historia de este mítico piso para hacer que os planteeís una o dos cosas sobre este suceso como por ejemplo... QUIEN, CÓMO, CUÁNDO y sobretodo... (y esto lo que me he estado preguntando durante todo el rato mientras inhalaba el vómito que dejó alguna persona indeterminada y que, de verdad, no se si quiero saber quien fué... aquí) ....


Un saludo con mucha ternura y amor, especialmente dedicado a todos los antiguos inquilinos del Álamo.


p.d: he corregido algunas faltas de ortografía pero he mantenido un par de habiaN en honor a levante
p.d2: ya hemos bajado todo a los contenedores y después de hablarlo con Sara puedo confirmar que el vómito lleva en la casa más de dos años. Los colchones han estado siendo utilizados mucho después de que apareciera el vómito pero no empezaron a estar en contacto con él hasta hace meses.


Guitar Hero

Written by Mireia Pérez on 20:57

Tercera paella desastrosa

Written by Mireia Pérez on 16:59

Se celebra el día de la tercera paella desastrosa, perpetrada por una valenciana que ni es fallera ni come marisco, hoy en el Álamo. Con un monton de amigos de Sara que se la comen sin rechistar y cantidades ingentes de dulce que somos incapaces de comer.


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 14:55

* Ad Hominem (Argument To The Man)
* Affirming The Consequent
* Amazing Familiarity
* Ambiguous Assertion
* Appeal To Anonymous Authority
* Appeal To Authority
* Appeal To Coincidence
* Appeal To Complexity
* Appeal To False Authority
* Appeal To Force
* Appeal To Pity (Appeal to Sympathy, The Galileo Argument)
* Appeal To Widespread Belief (Bandwagon Argument, Peer Pressure, Appeal To Common Practice)
* Argument By Dismissal
* Argument By Emotive Language (Appeal To The People)
* Argument By Fast Talking
* Argument By Generalization
* Argument By Gibberish (Bafflement)
* Argument By Half Truth (Suppressed Evidence)
* Argument By Laziness (Argument By Uninformed Opinion)
* Argument By Personal Charm
* Argument By Pigheadedness (Doggedness)
* Argument By Poetic Language
* Argument By Prestigious Jargon
* Argument By Question
* Argument By Repetition (Argument Ad Nauseam)
* Argument by Rhetorical Question
* Argument By Scenario
* Argument By Selective Observation
* Argument By Selective Reading
* Argument By Slogan
* Argument By Vehemence
* Argument From Adverse Consequences (Appeal To Fear, Scare Tactics)
* Argument From Age (Wisdom of the Ancients)
* Argument From Authority
* Argument From False Authority
* Argument From Small Numbers
* Argument From Spurious Similarity
* Argument Of The Beard
* Argument To The Future
* Bad Analogy
* Begging The Question (Assuming The Answer, Tautology)
* Burden Of Proof
* Causal Reductionism (Complex Cause)
* Changing The Subject (Digression, Red Herring, Misdirection, False Emphasis)
* Cliche Thinking
* Common Sense
* Complex Question (Tying)
* Confusing Correlation And Causation
* Disproof By Fallacy
* Equivocation
* Error Of Fact
* Euphemism
* Exception That Proves The Rule
* Excluded Middle (False Dichotomy, Faulty Dilemma, Bifurcation)
* Extended Analogy
* Failure To State
* Fallacy Of Composition
* Fallacy Of Division
* Fallacy Of The General Rule
* Fallacy Of The Crucial Experiment
* False Cause
* False Compromise
* Genetic Fallacy (Fallacy of Origins, Fallacy of Virtue)
* Having Your Cake (Failure To Assert, or Diminished Claim)
* Hypothesis Contrary To Fact
* Inconsistency
* Inflation Of Conflict
* Internal Contradiction
* Least Plausible Hypothesis
* Lies
* Meaningless Questions
* Misunderstanding The Nature Of Statistics (Innumeracy)
* Moving The Goalposts (Raising The Bar, Argument By Demanding Impossible Perfection)
* Needling
* Non Sequitur
* Not Invented Here
* Outdated Information
* Pious Fraud
* Poisoning The Wells
* Psychogenetic Fallacy
* Reductio Ad Absurdum
* Reductive Fallacy (Oversimplification)
* Reifying
* Short Term Versus Long Term
* Slippery Slope Fallacy (Camel's Nose)
* Special Pleading (Stacking The Deck)
* Statement Of Conversion
* Stolen Concept
* Straw Man (Fallacy Of Extension)
* Two Wrongs Make A Right (Tu Quoque, You Too)
* Weasel Wording

Some other Web sites:

* Critical thinking vs. Specious arguments
* The Nizkor Project
* Propaganda Techniques Related to Environmental Scares
* Logical Fallacies
* Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Project
* The Atheism Web: Logic & Fallacies
* South Shore Skeptics
* Introductory Logic
* Elementary Logic
* Practical skepticism
* Bruce Thompson's Fallacy Page
* Critical Thinking On The Web
* Conversational Terrorism: How NOT to Talk !
* Love is a Fallacy, a funny short story by Max Shulman.
* How to Win Any Argument On The Internet, a cheerfully obscene guide to flaming.
* How to Argue and Win every time. Alcohol and lying appear to be involved.

Recently added and changed entries:

* Argument By Dismissal
* Argument By Vehemence

* Affirming The Consequent
* Argument By Emotive Language (Appeal To The People)
* Misunderstanding The Nature Of Statistics (Innumeracy)
* Moving The Goalposts (Raising The Bar, Argument By Demanding Impossible Perfection)
* Not Invented Here




Written by Callas on 17:10

Una muestra de la nueva herramienta estrella del photoshop cs5:

Horas y horas de trabajo de postproducción ahorradas con esta aplicación no? Pues parece que no sólo va a ser capaz de hacer estas cosas sino muchas otras:



Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 1:35

By Robert W. Service

I wanted the gold, and I sought it,
I scrabbled and mucked like a slave.
Was it famine or scurvy — I fought it;
I hurled my youth into a grave.

I wanted the gold, and I got it —
Came out with a fortune last fall, —
Yet somehow life’s not what I thought it,
And somehow the gold isn't all.
No! There’s the land. (Have you seen it?)

It’s the cussedest land that I know,
From the big, dizzy mountains that screen it
To the deep, deathlike valleys below.

Some say God was tired when He made it;
Some say it’s a fine land to shun;

Maybe; but there’s some as would trade it

For no land on earth — and I'm one.
You come to get rich (damned good reason);
You feel like an exile at first;
You hate it like hell for a season,
And then you are worse than the worst.

It grips you like some kinds of sinning;
It twists you from foe to a friend;
It seems it’s been since the beginning;
It seems it will be to the end.

I've stood in some mighty-mouthed hollow
That’s plumb-full of hush to the brim;
I've watched the big, husky sun wallow
In crimson and gold, and grow dim,

Till the moon set the pearly peaks gleaming,
And the stars tumbled out, neck and crop;
And I've thought that I surely was dreaming,
With the peace o' the world piled on top.

The summer — no sweeter was ever;
The sunshiny woods all athrill;
The grayling aleap in the river,
The bighorn asleep on the hill.
The strong life that never knows harness;
The wilds where the caribou call;
The freshness, the freedom, the farness —

O God! how I'm stuck on it all.
The winter! the brightness that blinds you,
The white land locked tight as a drum,
The cold fear that follows and finds you,
The silence that bludgeons you dumb.
The snows that are older than history,
The woods where the weird shadows slant;

The stillness, the moonlight, the mystery,
I've bade 'em good-by — but I can't.
There’s a land where the mountains are nameless,
And the rivers all run God knows where;
There are lives that are erring and aimless,
And deaths that just hang by a hair;
There are hardships that nobody reckons;
There are valleys unpeopled and still;
There’s a land — oh, it beckons and beckons,
And I want to go back — and I will.

They're making my money diminish;
I'm sick of the taste of champagne.
Thank God! when I'm skinned to a finish
I'll pike to the Yukon again.
I'll fight — and you bet it’s no sham-fight;
It’s hell! — but I've been there before;
And it’s better than this by a damsite —

So me for the Yukon once more.
There’s gold, and it’s haunting and haunting;
It’s luring me on as of old;
Yet it isn't the gold that I'm wanting
So much as just finding the gold.
It’s the great, big, broad land 'way up yonder,

It’s the forests where silence has lease;
It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder,
It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 21:42

A documentary-cum-horror film about the scariest corporate symbol in history, the 1964 Screen Gems logo, aka The S From Hell. Built around interviews with survivors still traumatized from viewing the logo after shows like Bewitched or The Monkees, the film brings their stories to life with animation, found footage, and reenactments



Written by Callas on 11:44

Dedicado a Rafa. Corto de animación nominado al oscar de este año.


Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 23:32




Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 12:39

First of all... this article is SPOILER FREE: it's centered on the first 5 seasons.

This article is dedicated to that exclusive minority of die hard LOST fans that claim "I'm not expecting ANSWERS. ANSWERS are for pricks. The show is MUCH MORE than that".

Got it. Get it:

Lost co-creator J.J. Abrams, who has been dividing his time doing the Star Trek movie and his Fox series Fringe, still has a magic box filled with tricks that he bought as a kid and never opened.

"It's the idea of what's inside more than what's actually there that interests me," Abrams said during a recent conversation:

"You can never make anything that is as good as what someone can imagine it can be."

Aaaah... you do realize, I say, that you are writing TV shows for people who would rip that box open in a heartbeat with their bare teeth just to find out what's inside, right?

"I never thought about it that way," Abrams confesses.

And that's why Lost sucks.

People have been criticizing Lost ever since it came on the air in 2004, but only lately have die-hard fans begun to question their investment.


And try to keep the jerking to a minimum. This season (the 5th) has all been about the time travel element, which hasn't gone quite as well as it could have. There are too many NEW ADDED characters, too many NEW ADDED storylines to keep straight in our minds. I need to drag out that map of characters that shows all the one to two degrees of Kevin Bacon separation between them all and prop it up like a finals cheat sheet.

Characters like Horace keep popping up from season to season, and now we have to connect the dots. News just leaked that a major cast member would be biting the sod before the end of the season. Do we have to re-chart?

Co-creator and producer Damon Lindelof once said that the show is all about redemption, and once a person has been redeemed, they die. Producers have also said the show wasn't about time travel -- until it was this season.

This has never been a series for the short attention span crowd. The twists and turns are like doing hard-core memory and imagination workouts. But have the producers totally lost the plot? I've forgiven the writers for the whole polar bear deal that lead me to speculate that the island was really just something trapped under a dome in the middle of a snow-covered landscape like the opening panels of Chapter XI of Watchmen.

No, it was just some critter who escaped from a Dharma zoo. And that four-toed statue shown in another episode? It was just a quick reference point to the fact that the island has been around for a long time. Smoke monster? An above-average security system.

The two men helming the Lost ship right now, Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, say these last two seasons are for the fans who have stuck with the show over the years.

Well, we're midway through the penultimate season, and I have to say this whole time travel theme has me crying whiplash. I like time travel as much as the next sci-fi fan, but you need to keep some sort of logic to it all.

Right now, there are at least 5 reasons why I'm lost this season:

5. Too many new characters.
Really? Isn't that why the red shirts got cut down by flaming arrows, so we could thin the herd a little and get back to basics? Instead, we've got to keep track of even more people. Getting out my handy chart now.

4. Ben kills Locke. Again.
How many times do we have to watch Ben kill Locke, only to have him be raised again from the dead for a higher purpose?

3. Jack suddenly gets cured of his addictions when he's on the island.
Maybe this plays into how Locke can walk and why Rose no longer has cancer? If this works Lindsay Lohan or Brit Brit might want to check it out.

2. When you exit the island without the aid of a submarine or other sea craft, you get spit into the Sahara desert close to Tunisia.
Charles Widmore says he got dumped out there after his ouster from the island. Ben Linus got transported there, and later John Locke went down the wishing well and into the desert. Wait! This reminds me of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The character Charlotte S. Lewis is the writers' homage to C.S. Lewis. Charlotte died after getting a nosebleed indicating cerebral hemorrhaging. As a child, she was warned by Faraday when he was spinning through time to never return to the island. The island is death. OK, now my head is hurting and I feel a nosebleed coming on.

1. A donkey wheel turns the island into a time tunnel.
I'll buy a lot of snake oil from this crew, but when they came up with idea of a rickety wooden wheel that somehow can move the island through time, well, that's just kooky talk. And when Locke popped it back into place to stabilize the erratic time jumping, which was like something out of Slaughterhouse Five, well, it brought a whole new meaning to the term "jiggle the handle."

What happend to Tony Soprano in that diner?

Who killed Laura Palmer?

What THE FUCK is going on in that island?



Written by ANY GIVEN LORD OF LOO LOO on 10:59

It's on: